혹독한 전장 환경 때문에 결단력 있고 단호한 사람이 되었으며, 자신의 주관이 뚜렷하며 타인에게 쉽게 영향을 받지 않아 조금은 독단적인 면도 있다. 총지휘관이지만 전투에서 최전선에 있거나 부하들과 전장 가까이에서 환경을 탐색하는 일이 많아 병사들에게 깊이 신뢰받고 있다.

In response to the virus's attack on the Gesthos Network, she evolved into an entity capable of eliminating viruses.Through this evolution, she acquired some traits of the Alteration Virus and was reborn as the girl known as "Voidpiercer."

As a distinguished Federal Agent and elite member of the Special Security Investigation Unit, she's been entrusted with the Federation's most classified operations, earning her place as one of Kyran's most reliable confidants.
Yet to certain government officials who know her only by reputation, she remains an enigma—a "monster" in human form.

Her real name is Agleia, the youngest daughter of Tepin Todd. She's extremely confident in her hacking skills, believing that there's no network space in the world she can't infiltrate. Anka's title for her as "Aesperia's greatest hacker" is truly well-deserved.

Asurada's holding the influential media company Auth Inc. and the top 3 social app ECHO in the Federation, earning the trust of many subordinates with his decisive and effective leadership...Such praises have never stopped echoing since he joined Auth Inc.

As a composed and efficient Federation Nexus Agent, Meryl shows up with a brand new look in the Network. However, her silent and aloof personality still makes her recognizable.

A member of the biker gang known for her violence who roams the fringe neighborhoods of the city. Ruthless but quiet, and when she makes a sound, she makes it count like a ferocious beast with its horrific fangs, where she's earned her nickname Fang.

A cheerful young girl who smiles all day long, bouncing around town doing all kinds of odd jobs to make a living.

A dedicated new special officer of The Federation with a strong sense of responsibility. Roslyn aims to be an enthusiastic, approachable, and competent model officer.

An elegant and poised ruler, the highest authority of Domain 9, and Master of Zhen Gong.

A girl from another dimension, with beautiful short blue hair and dressed in a white combat suit. She piloted her EVA to travel through time and space and arrive at Vera.

A girl from a different time and space, with long blonde hair and a red pilot suit as her distinctive features, she often stands out in a crowd.

A gentle and good-tempered Executor who acts without the slightest hesitation. She specializes in leaving a good impression that is comfortably enjoyable but not excessively deep, just like many other ordinary chance encounters one may have had.

The Authorizer on rotation for Hykros Headquarters's Algorithm Ark. Responsible for maintaining Gesthos and overseeing the operation of various spacetime Omnium reactors. Her rule-abiding heart hides a rebellious side.

A young girl who took over the position of overseer of the Department of Yuheng not too long ago. She has made outstanding and unique achievements in the research of the Darkness. Under her leadership, the Department of Yuheng has gradually returned to its former state.

A young girl who took over the position of overseer of the Department of Yuheng not too long ago. She has made outstanding and unique achievements in the research of the Darkness. Under her leadership, the Department of Yuheng has gradually returned to its former state.

A mysterious woman who wields a flute to control the dead. Cold and ruthless, she wouldn't think twice about sacrificing everyone, including herself, if it meant achieving her goals. Gifted with an uncanny intuition, she can peer into one's deepest thoughts and is attuned to even the slightest changes in her surroundings. This sharp awareness ensures she's never outnumbered, and she leaves little to no trace of her actions.

An unknown visitor from the outside. His appearance is both an unpredictable variable and a turning point to the closed Domain 9.

The martial arts star of Domain 9. All opponents who have fought her admired her, and she was consequently appointed by Master Yu as a Sundial Guard at Ignisville Sundial Square. Her dedication to martial arts far exceeds that of ordinary people, and she can be relied on for a sure victory on the battlefield. She believes that within seven paces, the fist is the fastest.

She assists the often elusive "Zhuque" and is responsible for overseeing the suppressed Darkness.. Despite receiving praise from her superiors, she is a young girl who often feels dissatisfaction and frustration with herself.

Dr. Rubilia, the former head of the Listener Project, is once again participating in Grayspace Entity studies, this time in the form of an Abyssant.

Ling Han, also known as Lady Baihu, was appointed by Zhen Gong to oversee Marshville. She is a formidable force recognized for her tremendous strength. She serves as the head of Longjian Pavilion, a crucial military institution. Given the pavilion's primary duty of alerting against the threats of the Darkness, she practically commands the Domain Guards spanning the entirety of Domain 9.

A dancer whose charm resonates throughout the Domain. People travel vast distances just to catch a moment of her captivating performance. Gentle and beautiful, her every glance and smile is mesmerizing.

Madam Huang, chief of the Azure Guards, serves as the head of Tianzhang Pavilion in Joltville.

The only daughter of Harunobu, the previous local Archon. She has been groomed to be the successor. Despite not having taken the seat yet, popular opinion already favors her as the next Archon in line.

An Angel of Clemency newly born through restructure of Shirli, a nurse trainee at Astra Shelter, with half the flesh and nerves replaced by mechs and circuits.

The head of Vera's second city, the underwater city of Innars. As the Archon of the underwater city, she holds the highest position in Innars.

She emerged from an unknown dimensional passage, claiming to be from Domain 9, a region not registered in the Hykros database, to assist with the Grayspace Entity problem. With eccentric clothes and a headpiece in the shape of a fiery bird, Lan attacks with a strange umbrella that unleashes an enormous amount of energy when attacking.

An employee of Mirroria Nursery and a lover of flowers. Because he's responsible for the promotion and daily care of the plants for the nursery, he earned the nickname, "Manager."

Codenamed M-sec 2000, she may be a Special Forces Agent who's only recently joined the Security Force, but her unparalleled talents and hard work are widely recognized across the Force. Due to her outstanding simulation results, she has been assigned to take part in the Security Force's high-level missions.

Captain of the Mirroria Security Force Special Forces, and a user of the "Super Flow" discipline. She loves traditional kendo and wears an outfit indicative of her fighting style. One of the very few members on the Security Force without any bionic modifications. In charge of ensuring the protection of Mirroria.

The sole heir to Ms. Maidelin, a renowned contributor to many technology fields, and was regarded by her as her closest family.

The daughter of an old friend to Lin. And somehow, she's now taken care of by Lin, and they even take action together. The girl doesn't seem strong, like a sick, weak child.

A top DJ at the Entertainment Center who loves death metal! She's active, cute, and always charges headfirst into things on a daily basis, cheering on her fans and passers-by alike!

Gnonno's very proud of her grandfather, Nuok, who was part of the exploration team that discovered Innars, and wants to become an excellent explorer like him. But given how she's been doing so far, she is more or less a troublemaker, and that's already putting it lightly.

"But I live in mine own light, I drink again into myself the flames that break forth from me. I know not the happiness of the receiver, and oft have I dreamt that stealing must be more blessed than receiving." —Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Friedrich Nietzsche.

거스토스 스마트 시티는 차원 상향형 양자 슈퍼컴퓨터 거스토스가 전력을 발휘하여 연방 전체의 판타지 타워 옴니엄 원자로와 연동해 제자리 공진을 진행하고, 전 세계적인 두 번째 타임 슬립이라는 목표를 완료할 수 있게 합니다.

에스페리아주의 실내 구역에는 다양한 기능 구역들이 통합되어 있으며, 복잡한 지하 교통망을 통해 주민들에게 편리한 이동 환경을 제공합니다.

에스페리아주의 핵심 지역으로, 행정, 상업, 주거 등 다양한 기능을 담당하고 있으며, 아이다에서 명성을 얻은 슈델 전자를 비롯한 여러 유명 기업이 이곳에 자리하고 있습니다. 특히, 타워형 에너지 유도 장치인 판타지 타워가 위치해 있어 에스페리아주의 밝은 미래를 열어주고 있습니다.

노른 연방에 속한 11개 행정구역 중 하나인 에스페리아주는 일정한 자치권을 보유하고 있습니다. 주 집행관 카를의 주도 아래 가장 먼저 프리즘 계획에 참여해 판타지 타워의 건설 및 옴니엄 기술을 발전시키고 신흥 옴니엄 산업의 혜택을 누리면서, 에스페리아주의 위상은 점점 더 높아지고 있습니다.

감주는 기후가 온화하고 쾌적하며, 다른 주들보다 지형이 평탄한 지역입니다. 또한 구주에서 인간이 처음으로 발자취를 남긴 곳이기도 합니다. 타임 배리어 기술이 등장하기 이전의 기술이 집약된 곳으로, 초기에는 대부분이 파괴되었지만 현재는 이를 복원하고 되찾는 작업이 진행 중입니다.

태주는 눈보라의 땅으로, 두 개의 대형 현옥 유적이 태주에 자리하고 있습니다. 태주는 구주 어둠 재해의 피해가 가장 심각한 지역으로, 수많은 역위들이 이곳에 잠들어 있습니다. 태주를 둘러싼 현옥 유적에는 아직 풀리지 않은 과거의 수수께끼들이 남아 있습니다.

진주는 청룡의 힘이 모이는 땅으로, 진군, 묘군, 인군으로 구성되어 있으며, 선운은 산맥 위로 흩어지고 험준한 지형이 특징입니다. 구주 행정 중심지로, 대형 구주 에너지 반응 장치 천구 및 세트 시스템이 설치되어 있으며, 이는 구주의 2세대 타임 배리어 기술의 상징입니다.

리주는 주작의 힘이 모이는 땅으로, 미군, 오군, 이군 세 구역으로 이루어져 선운이 아득히 이어지고 구름이 봉우리를 감싸고 있습니다. 이군에 위치한 리주 관저는 리주 사람들의 가장 큰 활동 중심지로, 다양한 기능 구역들이 모여 있습니다. 리주 사람들은 무예를 숭상하며 전투력이 뛰어나, 개인 전투 능력으로는 구역 내에서 최고 수준입니다. 또한 그들은 어둠에 맞서는 중추적인 전력이기도 합니다.

이너스는 대해 S-46 해역의 해저에 위치하고 있으며, 중심 도시와 여러 위성 도시들로 이루어져 있습니다. 이곳은 무질서 심연의 중력장의 영향을 받지 않아 지속적으로 확장되고 있습니다.

독으로 뒤덮인 그 늪에서는 신비로운 광경을 마주할 수 있습니다. 생명이 예상치 못한 방식으로 진화하는 순간, 그리고 자연이 문명의 흔적을 감추고 그 위에 더욱 눈부신 열매를 피워내는 모습들도 볼 수 있습니다.

미지의 지혜 문명이 남긴 유적으로, 특수한 중력장이 미러시티와 현실 사이에 미묘한 평행을 형성합니다. 원래 사람들은 이곳에 제3도시를 건설하려 했으나, 지질구조 변이의 영향을 받아 완공되기도 전에 폐허가 되고 말았습니다.

사막이 벨라의 대부분 지역을 뒤덮었으나, 여전히 곳곳에서 오아시스를 발견할 수 있습니다. 고속도로가 미러시티를 둘러싸고 있으며, 주민들이 그레이가 침입하기 전 도로 위를 마음껏 질주하던 시절을 그리워하고 있습니다.

미러시티는 원래 헬가드 제7구역의 주둔지였던 곳으로, 2657년에 건립됐습니다. 대재앙 이후 미러시티는 벨라 지구의 생존자를 수용하는 곳이 되었습니다.

그 재앙이 일어나기 전까지만 해도 헬가드는 단순한 연구 기관에 불과했지만 기존 체제가 무너지면서 그들은 세상 밖으로 나섰습니다. 에스페리아 헬가드 구역은 하늘 높이 떠 있어 침입이 쉽지 않은 곳입니다.

아스트라는 원래 에스페리아 밖에 고립된 관광 명소였으며, 섬에 건설된 옴니엄 타워는 처음에는 관광 목적으로 사용되었으나, 아스트라가 폐기한 이후 점차 기억 속에서 사라졌습니다. 후에 이곳에 흘러든 사람들이 하나의 피난처를 건설했습니다.